Gay Street United Methodist Church
Kitchen Coordinator Description
Description and Purpose
A part-time position focused on managing the kitchen and meal ministry at Gay Street United Methodist Church (GSUMC). The coordinator shall plan for the various food and hospitality ministries detailed below.
The coordinator shall have a working knowledge of food service practices and guidelines, menu planning, food preparation and serving, cost management and reporting, and the ability to work with, coordinate, and supervise volunteers.
The coordinator shall report to the Staff-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) through their site supervisor and assigned liaison. The Senior Pastor at GSUMC will serve as the coordinator’s site supervisor and establish weekly update meetings with the coordinator in order to stay current with the programming and needs of this community ministry. The chairperson of the SPRC will serve as the coordinator’s liaison in order to stay current with the needs of this community ministry.
The Kitchen and Meal Ministry Coordinator is responsible for the following duties:
50% Plan monthly menu. Purchase all necessary products needed for the meal. Prep the entrée. Maintain a clam friendly environment for all volunteers while working quickly and efficiently on side dishes and overall food preparation. Establish a primary dishwasher. 40% Maintain the kitchen: Purchase all necessary supplies and keep an inventory of dry products. Sanitize all kitchen surfaces weekly, including appliances, counters, floor and cabinets. Descale the dishwasher monthly. Report any appliance failures to the Trustees. Keep purchases within the annual budget established by the trustees. 10% Keep records of all receipts and provide a monthly or bi-monthly report to the treasurer.
- Oversee the Community Meals Ministry: Plan and implement standard menus, purchase food and supplies, be responsible for the preparation of the meal, being present for the serving of the meal, and the clean-up of the kitchen. This includes opening and closing the building on that afternoon/evening.
- Oversee the Wednesday Evening Family Meal Ministry: Plan and implement standard menus, purchase food and supplies be responsible for the preparation of the meal, being present for the serving of the meal, and the clean-up of the kitchen.
- Oversee Meal Ministry Volunteers: organize, coordinate, and direct volunteers on Meal Ministry evenings (prep, set up, serving, clean up, etc.)
- Kitchen Calendar: Maintain an up-to-date calendar/schedule of what’s going on in the kitchen with the Church Secretary.
- Supervision of or Collaboration with Groups Using the Kitchen: The coordinator will collaborate with groups who seek use of the kitchen for various events.
- Submit Financial Reports: The coordinator shall submit monthly financial reports, with receipts, to the chairperson of the Finance Committee showing the expenses and any donation income for that month, and a general breakdown of hours for the related activities (planning, shopping, cooking, etc.)
- Submit an Annual Activities Report: The Coordinator shall submit the annual activities report on all kitchen activities (whether internal or external groups), including meals served, attendance at meals, groups supervised/kitchen use, receptions held, etc. This annual report should be paired with copies of the monthly financial reports to give the SPRC an up-to-date understanding of the scope of the coordinator’s job and how the workload flows through the calendar year.
- Keep Inventory of Related Items: The Coordinator shall maintain an inventory of kitchen equipment and related supplies, including food staples, paper supplies, cleaning materials, and other items. The coordinator is authorized to replenish any supplies as needed. The coordinator shall pass along any repair/replace needs for kitchen equipment as needed to their site supervisor.
- Purchase Card for Ministries: The Coordinator shall be furnished with a GSUMC credit card to purchase food and supplies for the Meal Ministries as needed.
- Follow all Food Service Safety Practices: Follow Safe Service food practices and be familiar with the guidelines of the Knox County Health Department. Must be willing to attend training on food service safety practices.
The current salary is $9,721. However, the SPRC shall review and consider any adjustments to the coordinator’s salary on an annual basis during the usual budget review process of the East Ohio Conference.
The SPRC shall conduct an annual evaluation with the coordinator during the usual staff review process of the East Ohio Conference.